Four new Councillors were elected at the annual general meeting of the LSN, held on 26 November 2021, for the term 2021 to 2023:
Clive Kavendjii, Suné de Klerk, Josefina Nekongo & Ndatega Asheela-Shikalepo (Dr).
The Councillors serving for the term 2020 to 2022 are:
Heinrich Jansen van Vuuren, Ester Kuugongelwa, Pius Iikwambi & Matti Mwandingi.

Heinrich Jansen van Vuuren (Chairperson), Pius Iikwambi, Suné de Klerk, Ester Kuugongelwa, Clive Kavendjii (Vice Chairperson), Josefina Nekongo & Ndatega Asheela-Shikalepo (Dr).
The President, Council and Directorate of the LSN
wish you and your loved ones
a Christmas filled with Blessings, Happiness, Peace and Joy
Prosperity in 2022!