The Free Legal Advice Day forms part of the Law Society’s objectives to make legal services more accessible to those members of the public who cannot afford legal services. The Office of the Ombudsman has been instrumental in the success of the FLAD since the project was launched in August 2014 by supporting this project and assisting the LSN with the venues and advertising in the region.
In 2014, two Free Legal Advice Days took place in Oshakati / Ongwediva and Keetmanshoop.
In 2015, four Free Legal Advice Days took place in Tsumeb, Windhoek, Swakopmund and Gobabis.
In 2016, only one Free Legal Advice Day took place in Windhoek, due to the LSN Directorate being short staffed.
In 2017, five Free Legal Advice Days took place in Mariental, Ongwediva, Windhoek, Swakopmund and Gobabis.
The Law Society of Namibia, in collaboration with the Office of the Ombudsman, hosted its 1st Free Legal Advice Days for 2018 at the Swanevelder Community Hall, Otjiwarongo.
Topics such as Labour, Domestic Violence, Wills & Estates and Divorce and Maintenance were addressed.
63 Persons received free legal advice on this occasion.
Free Legal Advice Days are also planned as follows:
13 April 2018 – South Circle – Rehoboth.
15 June 2018 – Far-North Circle – Oshakati.
13 July 2018 – East Circle – Gobabis.
3 August 2018 – Windhoek.
28 September 2018 – West Circle – Walvis Bay.
The Chairperson, Council and Directorate of the Law Society of Namibia sincerely thank all involved for their participation and support in making this the Free Legal Advice Day project a success.

Chief Ananias Soroseb (Chief of the Hai/Omsan Royal Household, Otjiwarongo)
Mr. Appolos Shimakeleni (LSN Councillor)
Hon. Benns Haimbondi (Mayor of Otjiwarongo)
Hendrik Mauyoma (Office of the Ombudsman)

Gaby Ferreira (LSN Office Administrator: Directorate), Gissellah Jacob (Office of the Ombudsman), Retha Steinmann (LSN Director)
From the Office of the Ombudsman: Hendrik Mauyoma, Fabiola Haradoes, Timothy Shangadi and Appolos Shimakeleni (LSN Councillor), Wihan Bezuidenhout (CLP)
Absent when photograph was taken: Cornelius de Koning.
Meetings with members, practising in the regions, take place once a year, when possible.
The benefit of the circle meetings is, inter alia, that members share information with Council and colleagues in the region about what they do and challenges they face. Solutions are discussed and in the process colleagues learn from the experiences of others. In certain circumstances matters are referred to Council for discussion with the relevant authorities on behalf of the members.
It also gives the LSN Council the opportunity to share information with the members relating to the profession and the work of the LSN.
Another benefit of these meetings is that members also connect on an informal basis with the Council of the LSN.
The Mid-north circle meeting with members of the LSN took place on Thursday, 8 February 2018 at Village Boutique Hotel, Otjiwarongo.

Retha Steinmann (LSN Director)
Wihann Bezuidenhout
Charles Bodenstein
Cornelius de Koning
Maronel du Plessis
Appolos Shimakeleni (LSN Councillor)