he Law Society of Namibia (LSN) is a self-regulating body created in terms of the Legal Practitioners Act (1995), which serves the profession and the public by promoting justice, protecting the independence of the judiciary and upholding the Rule of Law.
The LSN is tasked with maintaining and enhancing the standards of conduct and integrity of all members of the legal profession, encouraging and promoting efficiency in and responsibility in relation to the legal profession, defining and enforcing correct and uniform practice and discipline among members of the legal profession and assisting members with regard to their conditions of practice.
The protection of trust monies held by practitioners in private practice forms an integral part of the protection of the integrity of the legal profession. The Law Society plays a pivotal role in protecting such public funds by assisting firms in complying with the rules and regulations regarding the keeping of trust monies, and by having regular inspections to ensure that firms do comply.
The Law Society of Namibia is in search of a suitably qualified individual to fill the following:
Reporting to the Director, as well as the Council of the LSN, the Financial Manager is responsible, inter alia, for the bookkeeping and financial management of the LSN; payroll; preparation of monthly financial statements; preparation and management of the annual budget; preparation and management of projected cash flow statements; ensuring good corporate governance; managing the operational financial objectives of the LSN; developing strategies and long-term goals; liaising with the auditors regarding the yearly audit; developing external relationships with the banks, Receiver of Inland Revenue and other statutory organisations; responsible for the issuing of membership accounts and the collection of fees owed to the LSN; and ensuring statutory and policy compliance.Financial Accounting, inter alia, includes:
- Creditors and Taxes.
- Debtors.
- Payroll management.
- Monthly reconciliations of business and two trust accounts.
- Journals.
- Net interest collections.
- All financial functions relating to the LSN Rule of Law Trust.
Financial Management, inter alia, includes:
- Developing and reviewing financial controls within the LSN as well as in law firms.
- Reporting to Council and the Director.
- Proposals and provides advice to the Director, Council and the law firms re investments, repayment of loans, improving income and cost saving mechanisms.
- Budgeting.
- Cash flow projections.
- Improving financial decision-making by compiling statistics and reports on past trends and new methods.
- Negotiating agreements with the banks.
- Compiling claims for submission to the Legal Practitioners Fidelity Fund.
- Policy development and implementation.
- Preparations for annual audit.
Compliance, inter alia, includes:
- Ensures good corporate governance.
- Ensures statutory and ethical compliance by legal practitioners.
- Motivating changes to existing regulations to improve standards.
Human Resource Management:
- Assist the Director in HR functions, when necessary.
Training, inter alia, includes:
- Provide training to legal practitioners and support staff.
Strategy implementation, inter alia, includes:
- Ensures that LSN reaches its objective of protecting the integrity of the profession and unifying its members.
- Keeping the Director and Council up to date with issues threatening the integrity and image of the profession.
Innovation and Change, inter alia, includes:
- Identifying, evaluating and proposing areas of possible innovation and change in regulation, operations, financial sustainability and achieving strategic vision and mission.
Requirements for position:
- The Financial Manager must have a B Comm Accounting degree (or equivalent) with at least 5-years experience in administrative operational systems and financial procedures as well as payroll management.
- Namibian citizen.
- A valid driver’s license.
The following will be a distinct added advantage:
- Experience with law firms.
- Sound bookkeeping experience.
- Experience in compliance management.
- Excellent communication skills (oral and written).
- Fully computer literate.
- Office management skills.
- Organization and planning skills.
- Database management skills.
The position applied for must be clearly stated and the application should be addressed to:
The Director
The Law Society of Namibia
1st Floor, Namlex Chambers
333 Independence Avenue
Only suitably qualified applicants will be considered for shortlisting. No documents will be kept or returned.
Closing Date: Friday, 8 July 2016